11+ Applications for entry into Year 7 in September 2026 are now open. Click here to apply.

Open Evening for this cohort is Tuesday 6th May, 2025, 6PM-8PM. Registration for the Open Evening is not required.

Personal Development

Including, Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) at Caistor Grammar School.

Our intention across Key Stage 3, 4 & 5 is:

  • To deliver a curriculum which is relevant to the needs of our students
  • To give students the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, to manage their life now and in the future
  • To prepare students for life and work in modern Britain
  • To encourage students to discuss, in an informed manner, allowing them to develop their own voice to become critical, independent thinkers
  • To develop strong, supportive relationships with students and staff across the school

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