11+ Applications for entry into Year 7 in September 2026 are now open. Click here to apply.

Open Evening for this cohort is Tuesday 6th May, 2025, 6PM-8PM. Registration for the Open Evening is not required.

Appeals Process

Timeline for Appeals for Entry into Year 7 September 2025


Pupils receive notification of whether they have been successful in obtaining a place at their preferred secondary school on or after 3rd March 2025.


Parents who wish to appeal contact the School (not the Local Authority) by March 26th 2025. They do this by contacting admissions@caistorgrammar.com


The deadline for the Appellants’ Notice of Appeal to be returned to the School is April 17th 2025.

The school’s statement giving the reasons for refusal of entry is sent to appellants by May 9th 2025.

Final date for submitting supporting evidence for the appeal to the Clerk of the Appeals Panel by the School and appellant by May 14th 2025.

Clerk to inform appellants of date of the appeal hearing by May 16th 2025.

Appeals are to be heard the week commencing 9th June 2025.

Decision letters are sent to the appellant and School within five school days of the hearing.

Timeline for Appeals for Entry into the Sixth Form in September 2025

Parents who wish to appeal contact the School (not the Local Authority) by 1st September 2025. They do this by contacting admissions@caistorgrammar.com


The appellants’ Notice of Appeal to be returned to the School by 5th September 2025.


The School’s statement giving the reasons for refusal of entry is sent to appellants by
12th September 2025.


Clerk to inform appellants of date of the appeal hearing by 17th September 2025.

Final date for submitting supporting evidence for the appeal to the Clerk of the Appeals Panel by the School and appellant is 17th September 2025.


Appeals are to be heard the week commencing 29th September 2025.

Decision letters are sent to the appellant and School within five school days of the hearing.

In -Year Admissions Appeals


For all other in-year admissions appeals, the hearing will be heard within 30 school days of the Notice of Appeal being lodged.


Relevant Documents