11+ Applications for entry into Year 7 in September 2026 are now open. Click here to apply.

Open Evening for this cohort is Tuesday 6th May, 2025, 6PM-8PM. Registration for the Open Evening is not required.

Arrangements for in-year applications

Parents who wish to apply for a place at Caistor Grammar School outside of the normal round of Admissions into Year 7 or Year 12 need to contact the school on admissions@caistorgrammar.com explaining what Year group their child is currently in and when they are hoping for their child to start.

They will then be sent a link to an online application form which needs to be completed. At this point, the children will be invited to take two selection tests which will be appropriate to their current year group and the time they are hoping for their child to start at the School. Parents will be notified of the outcome of these tests within 10 school days of the second test. If they pass the tests, they will be admitted to the School if we have not already reached our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for that particular year group. If we have already reached our PAN, they will be told that their application was unsuccessful and that they have been placed on our waiting list. They will also be informed of their right to appeal and how to do this if they would like to pursue any such appeal.